The first book centers around the mystery of a girl, Harriet Vanger, who disappeared from a rich Swedish family during the 1960s. Instead of a detective solving this 40 year old cold case, it's a journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, and a hacker, Lisbeth Salander. Salander is the girl in the title and the reason for the series popularity. Salander is short, thin, decorated with tattoos and piercings, and fundamentally lacking in most social skills. She suffers the loss of her mother and home, being committed to a mental institution, and one of the most horrific rape scenes I've read in a bestseller. But Lisbeth is a survivor, highly intelligent and skilled at hacking--which is why this book will appeal to geeks. Although be prepared--the book was written in 2004 and the tech involves iBooks, Zip Disks, and other tech (like a Palm handheld) that is now outdated.
The most popular mystery series usually have some kind of genius, like Sherlock Holmes, and a partner like Dr. Watson, who exists for exposition. Blomkvist partially fills this latter role, although he has old fashioned investigative skills that complement Salander. He is a crusading journalist, and he seems like the James Bond of journalists, because women are constantly falling into his bed. Which is probably why Daniel Craig will play Blomkvist in the (American produced) film version. Blomkvist and Salander investigate the mysteries on two separate tracks and eventually collide. The setting of a mystery is also important, and the locations in Sweden are foreign and interesting to most readers from the United States. The first book is centered around Hedeby Island in Sweden, a convenient closed-off location for a murder. One thing I've learned: Swedish people really seem to drink a lot of coffee and eat a lot of open-faced sandwiches.
The mystery in the first book is fascinating, though I figured out what happened to Harriet early on, that didn't spoil my enjoyment. It's not a perfect book by any means. Larsson makes a number of mistakes that seem glaring, like switching character viewpoint within a scene. But the characters, setting, and plot hooked me until the end.
Dragon Tattoo comes to a satisfying conclusion, but there are dangling plot threads in Salander's life that form the core of the story in the next two books. Salander herself is the mystery and the people coming out of her past are the threat. What I found terribly lacking in the latter two books is that Blomkvist and Salander are separated until the very end of each book. They do work together in a remote fashion, but it's such a shame, because this duo has great chemistry.
Another fault of Larsson's almost my derailed my enjoyment of these two novels. As a journalist, he obviously had a great deal of knowledge about politics, police, business, government and sexual oppression. The middle section of each book is overwhelmed with these details, to the point where Salander is driven into the background. In The Girl Who Played with Fire
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
I graded the Millennium trilogy on GoodReads. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: 4 stars. The Girl Who Played with Fire: 3 stars. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest: 2 stars. In short, the series is flawed but still entertaining, I just wish Larsson had lived to have some editing and be able to write sequels. Salander's sister Camilla is mentioned repeatedly and must have been in his mind for future books. I have to wonder if Camilla was supposed to be Salander's Moriarty? Nuff Said!
Link: My profile on GoodReads
Link: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Link: The Girl Who Played with Fire
Link: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
Link: Reg Keeland, Stieg Larsson's English Translator
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